Things I worked on

An overview of some of the projects I have worked on. Some smaller, some bigger. Hover over the videos to watch them play.

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A Practical Toolkit for Rendering Outlines in Unity
Path tracer written in Rust
Ghibli inspired scene
Shoreline shader
Water caustics shader
Shallow Red
Shallow Red
Chess engine written in C++
Circular menu for the Unity Editor
Dreaming of space
Outline shader experiment
Comic book (halftone) shader
Comic book (halftone) shader
Outline shader experiment
Morning train to London
Outline shader experiment
Mesh slicing shader
Outline selection shader
Willy's Jeep
Willy's Jeep
Outline shader
Parallax effect shader
Holographic card shader
Portal to Nowhere
Portal to Nowhere
Outline shader
Stylized rock shader
Retro shader
Toon shader
Water shader
Sparkling shader
Stylized Water shader